Reflecting on the Last 12 Months (Part 2)

This is the second part of my annual holistic business review: “Reflecting on the Last 12 Months.”

Hoping it’ll help someone in the online space to feel inspired and connected. Comment below to share your thoughts; this will make my day!         

In part 2, we’re discussing: 

  • My insights and reflections as a coach and business owner

  • My personal wins, the things I want to etch in my memory forever

  • My mantras; what I’d like to remember from 2022 to support myself in 2023

  • How I intend to show up in 2023

My insights and reflections as a coach and business owner

I’m the happiest crossing the threshold of my comfort zone

I thrive when I get a little out of my comfort zone and try new things - I love to learn and implement them; otherwise, I get bored. So finding this balance and dance between peace and tension is vital.  


I will no longer offer scholarships for high-touch, long-term mentorship. I’ve learned that when people pay for the programs and invest in themselves, they have more at stake. Hence, the dynamics and mindset inevitably differ, which may interfere with the outcome. Full or partial scholarships for single sessions, self-study courses, and workshops will be a more appropriate and effective way for me to support as they are limited in time and focused on specific desired outcomes. 

Self-guided courses and group programs

I will continue offering low- and mid-tier products so people can work with me at different investment levels - in-person, live and online, or self-guided.

Work-life balance

I’m more grounded when I can dedicate at least 1 hour of work to my office; it’s my sanctuary. Most days, if there is no sick leave from school, I have a solid block of 4 hours at the office. The afternoon is for school pickup, personal errands, self-care, more casual work with pen and paper in the living room, and occasional meetings or training sessions. 

Mental fitness and self-care

I sabotaged a couple of “Connection” calls due to my low attention, energy levels, and lack of confidence (in me and the prospect). If I sleep past 11 pm, have a workshop scheduled right after, or am “hangry,” I can be completely distracted. I need to restore my mind and body to be in the right mindset.

To me, an introvert, connection calls with a prospect are more complex than a regular client coaching call, where trust and routines are established. So moving forward, I’ll be more strategic about the time allocated for these calls and more conscious about filling my cup.

Maika Endo Yoga Shape Up Istanbul

Personal wins

( Will only share a few here as the list is long!)

Reintegrating yoga into my lifestyle

I thought I didn’t go to yoga enough as I had intended 2 weekly sessions, but when I realized that I had gone 50 times in the past 12 months, I was happy!

Working on my amaxophobia

I drove more spontaneously and even drove from Istanbul's European side to the Asian side a couple of times. I used to have a driving phobia and went to therapy to overcome it and get my driving license. I still have a long way to go before driving becomes a habit, and that’s OK.  

Being deliberate about strengthening family relationships

I’m grateful for a business that allows me to take time off without guilt. Did my first trip with just Akira to France, and it was easy and fun! We did it again this past month, and my husband joined us afterward, making the trip even more special. It is deeply fulfilling to watch him grow with his cousins, share their daily life, and revisit my childhood home and family gatherings. 

Taking time off from work and being locals in another country and city 

I took August off, and our family spent two weeks in Annecy, rented an Airbnb and a car (I drove!), and fell in love with the city and its people. Being able to work remotely means we can imagine spending an extended time in Annecy, not necessarily on holiday but living the daily life, doing our work. Just the freedom to envision limitless possibilities is a blessing. 

Having a life and identity outside of my core family 

I went to Japan for my grandmother’s farewell, which was unexpected. That was my first trip alone since Akira was born, and we both survived. It was one of those things that looked bigger and more difficult in my mind than in reality. This solo trip made me reflect on my hybrid identity and the significance of my life.

I don’t know the “how” yet, but I feel responsible for nurturing and passing on my Japanese heritage. Is it a spiritual calling? A genetic predisposition? An intellectual curiosity? I don’t know yet - it’s not yet in the ideation stage, but rather in gestation. 

Maika Endo Annecy

What would you like to remember from last year to help you sustain learning?  

Integrity is an action and choice you make every day

Walk the talk, and practice what you preach; it’s not about being perfect, but the pursuit and commitment. 

Be motivated but not obsessed

Our physical life expires, and our longevity is not guaranteed, but we can advocate quality of life and give it our full presence. Our business is one layer of our “skin,” a pair of lenses through which we see and experience the world around us. Cultivating all the other essential areas of life is paramount to everything I do. Whenever I get caught up in a project and forget myself, I try to remember to slow down and enjoy the journey. 

My best self-coaching tool: Journaling

Our actions and creations become our legacy when we honor our values and vision. And to stay connected to our values and vision, time to reflect is essential regularly and consistently. If we don’t take the time to reflect, we cannot be intentional. 

How will I show up in 2023?

Social media

I want to continue using social media to connect with like-minded people to gain new insights and ideas. But I became more deliberate about how I use it. I adopted a few new “strategies,” which I will share in a different post or podcast.


I want to share podcasts in a way that feels good and fun, unlike in the past when I did it more strategically and academically. Expect future episodes to be rawer and feel more “intimate.” 


Sweet Words, once a month, sometimes more, sometimes less. To share something meaningful, a dose of inspiration and motivation, and some updates. 


I will keep sharing my reflective and organizational tools and systems, especially with Evernote, on YouTube. I don’t plan on creating many videos, just a couple,  as this would be a new learning curve, and I don’t want to venture there yet. 


There are more and more Turkish entrepreneurs in my community. I’m toying with organizing in-person programs to foster a supportive community with like-minded people. 

How can we work together in 2023?

Intentional Business Immersion

It is my curriculum-based 12-month group program and the only course you’ll ever need to build the foundations of a long-lasting, sustainable, human-centered online business. You can sign up for my newsletter, so you’ll be the first to know when doors open again for enrollment (this doesn’t commit you to anything). 

Intentional Business Building

It is my 6-month premium program, a high-touch 6-month private mentorship where you come with your idea, I help you clarify your vision and strengthen your connection to it, we design together a sustainable execution plan, and you implement that plan with my support, I am here every step of the way. As space is limited and we work very closely, it’s by application only.  

After surveying my past private clients, I learned that what they wished for was an opportunity for a group experience to connect with other mentees. Thus, this container now includes access to our group program, which contains a step-by-step curriculum with on-demand trainings on the foundational pillars of building a sustainable human-centered business, a private community in Circle, and a monthly group call. 

Self-Guided Courses 

There are several courses you can sign up for around the foundational pillars of building a business: holistic productivity, timeless marketing strategies, and digital organization. I will continue to add more content at a low-tier price. 

Free Self-Coaching Email Course

I also invite you to join Focus & Flow, my free 4-day email course on goal setting and planning with a holistic approach. This delivery method is self-coaching; you get a daily worksheet in your inbox with reflective prompts and guidelines to help you reach a specific outcome. 


This was a very long blog post; if you stayed until the end, this must mean we have a few things in common! I’m curious; what resonated with you? Why? 

→ Feeling inspired to do your very own 12-month reflection? Here’s my worksheet with journaling prompts and my framework, “Planting the Seeds.” 

→In the face of the recent tragedy that hit Turkey and Syria, I wrote a newsletter to my community to share how I was processing things. I’ve been an entrepreneur for over a decade, and today, I feel the “duty” to write a post on “building a resilient business through disaster and crisis.” 

Would this be helpful? How does this topic resonate with you? Did you meet a challenge in times of disaster? Please comment below. I’d love to hear from you.

About Maika

Maika mentors heart-centered, impact-driven entrepreneurs to build the foundations of their business with her signature Intentional Business Building™ method. Her approach is holistic and integrates the entrepreneur mindset, marketing strategies, and systems to help create sustainable changes and long-lasting results. A lifelong passion for the human psyche, healing arts, and personal growth brought her to mentorship and coaching. She’s French-born in Japan and currently lives in Istanbul with her family. She’s an Epicurean and enjoys cooking Asian, dining out with curiosity, and sophisticated cocktails.


Sweet Words

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Maika Endo Coaching

I coach and mentor impact-driven entrepreneurs who want to design a business and life on their own terms.

My approach is holistic and integrates personal growth, marketing strategies, and business systems to create long-lasting, sustainable changes, and results. I help you introduce your business to the world with intention and clarity.

Post-Launch Reflections


Reflecting on the Last 12 Months (Part 1)