Don’t Get Stuck On Numbers

List size, revenue, number of followers, website traffic…numbers aren't everything.

If you feel triggered by them, I want to share this because I used to be.

At that time, I was feeling defeated by other people's mailing list size, and whom I consider being a role model asked me:

  • Are you finding enough clients?

  • When people hire you, do they have a positive experience and recommend you to their friends?

  • Are you reaching your financial goals, or at least moving in the right direction?

  • Do you feel emotionally fulfilled by your work?

  • Do you feel proud of the work that you're putting out into the world?

  • Do you sense that you're having a positive impact on people's lives?

If so, you are definitely succeeding - and it doesn't really matter if you have 90 new readers or 900 or 3000. You're on the right track, and you're having an impact on people's lives.

I nodded to all the above. A veil had lifted.

At this year's end, I feel that it's important to remember to also look at the bigger picture of our work and to focus on the quality of life as we fulfill our purpose. Numbers and size aren't everything and are not the whole picture.

Thank you so much for being here.

And Happy New Year! 🌱

Sweet Words

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Maika Endo Coaching

I coach and mentor impact-driven entrepreneurs who want to design a business and life on their own terms.

My approach is holistic and integrates personal growth, marketing strategies, and business systems to create long-lasting, sustainable changes, and results. I help you introduce your business to the world with intention and clarity.

Brand Reveal: Maika Endo Coaching 2.0 Part 1


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