My Top Entrepreneur Books of All Time

This is a summary of the best books I've read over the last decade, and I will keep on updating it as I read.

These books brought clarity, inspiration, and a new perspective. I consider books as life and career accelerators! 

I am grateful for the writers, for bringing such an impact on the way I think or do things, and expanding my mind. Hope you enjoy them, and I would love to hear your opinion!

I read books.

— Elon Musk (when asked about he learned to build rockets)

Reading is still the main way that I both learn new things and test my understanding.
— Bill Gates
Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.
— Frederick Douglas


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Maika Endo Coaching

I coach and mentor impact-driven entrepreneurs who want to design a business and life on their own terms.

My approach is holistic and integrates personal growth, marketing strategies, and business systems to create long-lasting, sustainable changes, and results. I help you introduce your business to the world with intention and clarity.

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