Ep.19/ Interview: Cassie Widders, Digital Wellbeing Consultant

How can we be more intentional with social media and make it a safe space for everyone?

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"Digital wellbeing is about crafting and maintaining a healthy relationship with technology. It’s about how technology serves us and moves us towards our goals, rather than distracting us, interrupting us or getting in the way. Being in control of technology enables us to use its full potential and gain all the benefits of it" Google


Digital Wellbeing Consultant Cassie Widders

Why aren’t digital detoxes the answer? 

How to have a healthy relationship with social media?

I met Cassie in our Digital wellness coach training, where we learn about the latest research in neuroscience, psychology, and the impact of digital technology on human behavior.

I strive to be intentional in business and life, and that includes the way we shape our existence online. 

Cassie Widders is a social media strategist and digital well-being advocate, so this was only natural that I invite her to Business Clarity to explore these questions. Tune in to Business Clarity on you favorite podcast player and join the conversation!

About my guest:

Cassie Widders is a social media strategist who works with founders, personal brands and service-based businesses from around the world to simplify their social media, and create a strategy that centers around their business goals, and their lifestyle. She is a digital wellbeing advocate known for her work on digital minimalism, social media and its effects on our mental wellbeing, and in making social media strategies more sustainable for personal brands and businesses.

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Hi, I’m Maika, host of the Business Clarity Podcast, author of Focus & Flow, award-winning wellness entrepreneur, Evernote expert, and tech enthusiast. With my unique holistic coaching approach, I come alongside health and wellness entrepreneurs, coaches, mentors, educators, and creatives to help them build legacy-leaving businesses. By focusing on developing the right mindset systems and strategy, I help them attain what, deep down, I believe we all want:

  • Peace of mind

  • A life of meaning and impact

  • A reliable and abundant income.

Follow my blog, where I share best practices and my latest pondering on digital organizing and digital well-being, holistic productivity, and timeless marketing strategies. And sign up for my monthly newsletter Sweet Words, so you don’t miss anything!

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Maika Endo Coaching

I coach and mentor impact-driven entrepreneurs who want to design a business and life on their own terms.

My approach is holistic and integrates personal growth, marketing strategies, and business systems to create long-lasting, sustainable changes, and results. I help you introduce your business to the world with intention and clarity.


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