Don't do this. You'll burn out.

The number one mistake I see entrepreneurs make when they start their businesses is creating an Instagram account in the hope of finding their first clients this way.

Why is this a mistake?

First, they witness an inevitable lack of engagement as their posts are not getting traction. And two, their followers are not converting into clients.

The result is that they slowly lose confidence in themselves and begin to question their offer. Eventually, they’re left wondering: What's wrong with me?

The problem with this approach:

  • It starts a hamster wheel of perpetual content creation, and you’ll exhaust yourself in the process. Plus, coming up with content ideas without client experience can be challenging! You’ll begin to compare yourself to other entrepreneurs who are ahead of you; your confidence will deflate, and you’ll lose motivation.

  • You’re putting all your eggs in the same basket – and you don’t know when you’ll reap the fruits of your efforts: The truth is that building an engaged community requires a lot of trial and error, commitment, and time. It's not a straight highway! 

  • More followers don't mean more money! If you don't build a cohesive marketing ecosystem to support your customer journey and turn your followers into buyers, you might be wasting your time. The interactions on social may flatter the ego, but this won't support your business.

My question: How did business owners market their services before Instagram became popular?

Everything else.

They leveraged one (or many) of these tactics:

  • Networking and spending time building lifelong relationships

  • Leveraging the power of referrals: Creating intentional referral programs to attract more of the same client profiles

  • Attracting repeat business by focusing on providing superior service

  • Engaging in affiliate marketing through synergetic businesses and collaborations

  • Building communities around their philosophy and approach via speaking engagements, events, and workshops

  • Email marketing: Fostering a culture around their brand, vision, and approach, and deepening connections with their people

  • Website and SEO (search engine optimization) development: A content strategy to educate and spread their ideas – and to be found on the internet by the right people

Attracting the right clients doesn't come from one single action but is the compound effect of applying selected tactics consistently over time. 

Building an Instagram account is not a sustainable way to create a long-lasting result. It's a touchpoint and one piece of a larger ecosystem. So please don't focus on (just) Instagram. You'll burn out.

Which tactic tickles your fancy right now?

Today, I invite you to start sending newsletters and to build a community around your values. Something like what you’re reading right now. ;p

Start sharing inspiring messages and get people constantly thinking about you.

Newsletter 101 will show you how!


  • BLOG: 3 Proven Strategies to Get Your First Coaching or Consulting Clients

    If you're just starting your career as a coach, educator, or consultant, one of the very first significant milestones is to get your first clients. 

    Many entrepreneurs start promoting themselves through social media channels, instantly competing with the global market. I've witnessed many newly established entrepreneurs fall into the comparison trap and get stuck because social media amplifies a performative approach glamorized by 6- and 7-figure entrepreneurs.

    If you're not into this hustle culture, I'm here to share with you 3 proven methods to get clients without spending your whole life engaging on Instagram or in Facebook groups.

  • PODCAST: 5 Things You Need to Know to Get Unstuck with Your Newsletter

    If you struggle to send newsletters consistently, if you dread it every month, if you’ve been dreaming of starting one but have been pushing it back forever, this episode is for you.

    Wherever you are in your newsletter journey, and whatever you’re telling yourself (I don’t have time, I don’t know how to design, I’m allergic to technology, I don’t have a list of people to send it to, I don't know what to write about), I’ll share a reframe with you to help you get unstuck!

About Maika

Maika mentors heart-centered, impact-driven entrepreneurs to build the foundations of their business with her signature Intentional Business Building™ method. Her approach is holistic and integrates the entrepreneur mindset, marketing strategies, and systems to help create sustainable changes and long-lasting results. A lifelong passion for the human psyche, healing arts, and personal growth brought her to mentorship and coaching. She’s French-born in Japan and currently lives in Istanbul with her family. She enjoys cooking, sparkling wine, and playing with her son in parks.


Sweet Words

Would you like to receive Sweet Words from me every month with thoughtfully curated updates, inspiration, and tools to build your heart-centred business with intention and clarity?

Maika Endo Coaching

I coach and mentor impact-driven entrepreneurs who want to design a business and life on their own terms.

My approach is holistic and integrates personal growth, marketing strategies, and business systems to create long-lasting, sustainable changes, and results. I help you introduce your business to the world with intention and clarity.

You’re Perfectly Imperfect


How I Nurture My Creativity and Cultivate Peace of Mind with Evernote