How Can I Get Into More Conversations with Potential Clients?

Whether you're just starting out as an online coach, consultant, wellness entrepreneur, or a seasoned professional looking to connect more often, this episode will help you curate an environment for more sales conversations with your ideal clients.

I’ll share some simple and actionable tips you can apply immediately. You’ll learn:

👆One tweak you can do now with your website to get more 👇 with your ideal clients.

📌Strategy to deploy across your website and every marketing platform where you’re active. 

📅 Target to set every month to measure your progress. 

Unlock More Conversations With a Simple Website Tweak

First, if your pricing appears on your site, remove it so that it does not become an objection to working with you and people book the call with you based on your service description. 

You’ll get more call bookings and, thus, more conversations with your prospects;

  • What attracted people to you? What specifically convinced them to reach out? Is it something you said specifically? A feeling that emanates from your website? - One of my clients said he felt “comforted” and “calm” when he landed on my page. 

  • How did they find out about you? Was it through a blog, an interview, or a referral? 

  • If money was not an objection, do they want to work with you? Is your offer compelling to them? 

If you ask the right questions, you can gather helpful insights to fine-tune your communication strategy. And then, on the call, you’ll disclose the investment level. 

If you feel nervous about this step, it’s completely normal!

A little tip to make it easy if you’re just starting on this path: Share your screen and show a document explaining the investment level, the payment plans, and what the package includes. This will help you stay on track and distract the attention away from you. 

Although this may feel awkward, getting on such calls will give you real-time feedback about the pricing - and what people tell themselves when this becomes an objection to working with you. 

You can use that information to overcome money objections in your marketing strategy and how you position your offer. 

➡ If you don’t want to completely remove the pricing, you can provide a more general range, such as 'between $1,000 and $2,000 depending on XYZ,' 'starting at $900,' or 'my services are four-figure.' This approach offers a sense of transparency while not revealing the exact number.

Make Booking Your Free Discovery Call Simple and Easy

Make sure to follow these steps;

Add your online scheduler CTA button on five strategic locations of your website:

Your homepage “hero” space in the first fold.

➡ Example of a hero space used with a call to action button to book a call:

In the header section, on your navigation bar, you can make the button linking to your online scheduler stand out with a special color.

➡ Example of a navigation bar button with a different color:


Add another button at the bottom of your homepage so people can see it after scrolling.

In your service page, have the call-to-action button multiple times - 3 to 5 times, depending on the length of your page. 

➡ Example of one of my client's sales pages for her 1:1 coaching program. There’s a link to book a “chemistry call.”

(If you’re looking for a coach and identify as an empathic, heart-centered leader​, pioneer, and change maker, I highly recommend booing that call- you won’t regret it.)

Optionally inside your blog posts, as links, call-to-action buttons, or even with a dedicated graphic image. 

This is technically more advanced but great if you write on your blog regularly, if your site is optimized for SEO, and you want to leverage your site's traffic:

Add a chatbox that will open when someone lands on a specific site page like your “work with me” page. You can do this with services like Drift or Zoho.

Your chat box can say something like “Hi! How can I help you?” the person will answer in the chat box, and the answer will land directly in your email inbox.

And if you’re away or busy, your welcome message can be: “I’m offline now, but drop in your question, and I’ll reply as soon as I’m back!”. This will help you connect with website visitors and start a conversation. 

You can find similar services for socials, such as ManyChat for Instagram. You can create automated messages that trigger when someone comments on your posts or sends you a DM. 

To amplify this effort, share a link to book a call with you in all social media containers you're active in: 

Add your direct calendar link in your IG bio - not with a link tree with several calls to action (This may be confusing and affect conversion!) but just that link to your online calendar. And you can say something like, “Book a free 30-minute audit”


Have that invitation to book a call with you in your newsletter welcome sequence.

When your contacts sign up for your newsletter, they receive automated emails welcoming them to your world and introducing who you are, how you help, etc.

We teach this inside our group program and even provide the scripts for the emails.

You can add the call-to-action button or a link to your scheduler inside the welcome email sequence and entice your contacts to book that call. 

➡ Example of one of my “invitation” emails:


Inside my email welcome sequence, I have an email with links to my main offers and it’s also strategically sprinkled in other emails.


Additionally, if you sell courses and facilitate workshops, whether free or paid, you can add an email to the onboarding sequence inviting your contacts to connect with you on the platforms you’re most active in. This has worked pretty well for me and has incepted sales conversations without pushing anything.

✅ You can repeat the invitation in every newsletter like a mantra. You know the rule of 7 is based on the marketing principle that potential customers must see a message at least seven times before being provoked to take action.

Pro Tips and Insights

Pro tips: 

There should be a clear incentive for someone to book the call, such as get a free audit, a strategy call, an assessment, etc..

This will be designed for your unique business and what your ideal clients may need initially. Try to be specific about what your prospects can expect from a call with you, and experiment with that.

How I do It inside my business: 

I describe my discovery calls to prospects this way: “I may ask some questions to explore your ideas, allowing you to see/feel what coaching is. The call will help me assess if /how I can help, and we can start to build a vision together.”

Where you may struggle: 

You'll have to clarify the investment during the call and possibly, quite inevitably, face rejections due to the investment level. This may feel terrible.  Please don't make it personal.

Make it almost a prerequisite as part of the process and algorithm: So if you had ten calls and closed two, your conversation rate is 20%. Which is pretty good, especially if you’re just starting!

And don’t get stuck on the calls result. Remember the big picture, the ultimate outcome: Getting more conversations, feedback, and improving your “pitch” (triggering word alert!).

Your Next Steps: 

  1. Remove your pricing from your website.

  2. Define your dedicated “call hours” in your online scheduling system, and deploy the link to your scheduler on all your marketing materials: Your website, social media, and emails. 

  3. Set a goal: How many calls do you target this month? 5? 10? 15? Record the number of calls you book and close to get your monthly conversation rate. 

Good luck, I hope this episode was helpful!!

Resources + Links

How I Can Help

🤓GROUP: Intentional Business Immersion

My signature hybrid coaching and self-study container, you can build your business at your own pace alongside a group of like-minded visionaries.

⭐️1:1: Intentional Business Building

A 6-month bespoke private mentorship and coaching program tailored to your needs and goals. Learn more about my mentorship program

📓SELF-COACHING: Focus and Flow for Mompreneurs

Is a self-coaching book and guide to help mompreneurs master their time and achieve their goals without sacrificing.

👩🏻‍💻Self-Paced Courses

From mastering your time and effectively harnessing your ideas to launching your first offer or product, take a look at my library of ready-to-implement strategies and frameworks and see which one suits your needs best for where you are on your unique entrepreneurial journey.


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About Maika

Maika mentors heart-centered, impact-driven entrepreneurs to build the foundations of their business with her signature Intentional Business Building™ method. Her approach is holistic and integrates the entrepreneur mindset, marketing strategies, and systems to help create sustainable changes and long-lasting results. A lifelong passion for the human psyche, healing arts, and personal growth brought her to mentorship and coaching. She’s French-born in Japan and currently lives in Istanbul with her family.


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Maika Endo Coaching

I coach and mentor impact-driven entrepreneurs who want to design a business and life on their own terms.

My approach is holistic and integrates personal growth, marketing strategies, and business systems to create long-lasting, sustainable changes, and results. I help you introduce your business to the world with intention and clarity.

Client Spotlight: Becky The Copywriter


Client Testimonial: Jessica Louise, Somatic Coach